My husband who has diabetes has very swollen feet which are icy cold. He is on medication for High Blood Pressure and is taking very strong painkillers for nerve ending pain. Is there anything he can...
I was checking my e mails on my computer when my little granddaughter pressed the Esc button. The screen went blank and then started making a wheeee noise.I've switched it off and back on again and...
I have two questions/requests for solutions please. 1) When I shut down the PC, "Connecting to WAN Mini Port" keeps appearing. Why and how do I stop it? . 2) When I try to close Internet...
I have two questions/requests for solutions please. 1) When I shut down the PC, "Connecting to WAN Mini Port" keeps appearing. Why and how do I stop it? . 2) When I try to close Internet...
Sadly two teenagers died last night and it was blamed on the conditions. Nobody dies in a crash at 20mph. Speed and bad driving caused their deaths Not the ice and snow.
I have three questions/requests for solutions please. 1) When I shut down the PC, "Connecting to WAN Mini Port" keeps appearing. Why and how do I stop it? 2) Dial Up Connection - Broadband...
Through sheer grit and determination and a bit of help from AB, my new washing machinne is currently humming through its 1st test cycle. Yayyyyy. Thank you all.
The saga continues!! I worked for half an hour this afternoon getting two of the transport bolts out of the back of the machine. Blimey, were they tight?? Anyway, I've got two out but my question...
Not sure where I should post this but........ Bought and paid for connection of new and disposal of the old washing machine from Tescos. When they arrived it couldn't be fitted because the wooden...
Having got a new laptop lately, I tried to sign into ITunes. It's so long since I registered I have forgotten my password. ITunes said it would send me a reminder e mail. This was over a week ago....
How long do worming tablets take to have an affect in dogs? Our old Lab is losing weight for no reason that we can see. We thought we would worm him before a visit to the vets.
My daughter eventually got to the bank today, (closed since Thursday cos of the snow). Basically, when the situation was explained to the lady at the bank, in full by my daughter, couldn't give a...
I just took delivery of my new washing machine to find that they couldn't/wouldn't get it out from under the newER laminate flooring. I've never liked it and the delivery men have departed. How do my...
On Thursday my daughter filled up her car with £30 worth of petrol. Her debit castd bounced even though she had paid in £100 on Monday. She has a £200 overdraft and therefore assumed...
After many years I have to buy a new washing machine. My questions are:- What is "Fuzzy Logic"? Do I need a plumber to plumb it in or is the water connection very easy, ie just feeding the...