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I understand where you dance as a hobby and learn ballroom or streetdance etc, or sing as part of a musical skill, but I don't get the attraction of dancing at parties and singing along to stuff in...
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What causes some dreams to be unusually vivid, not necessarily more memorable just more real?
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How do medicines cause constipation, seems a weird side effect
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How does this work, for example, why is the pope a 'higher' catholic than the chap who works in my local chippy? Is he just better at believing?
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I've got a cold water outlet under my sink which feeds the dishwasher via an isolation valve. I need to add a second isolation valve for a second appliance, is there such thing as a 'double isolation...
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I read so much I've come to a bit of a dead end with some new choices, recently read 'We need to talk about Kevin' which I absolutely loved, appreciate any suggestions of a similar genre...
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Why are so many of people's goals focussed on what they can buy - expensive cars, big houses, massive TVs. Is it just me that sees somebody in a Ferrari and thinks they've spent a lot of cash to sit...
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Is it worth a visit?...
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At the end of each day the FTSE is reported as being so many points up or down, what has actually happened to cause this variation? Same with currency, how does the value of a pound actually change...
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...for a month, what would you do with your time?
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Can dogs be given dioralyte, or would they need something similar if they have been running excessively in the sun, just generally hot from the weather or dehydrated from diarrhoea?
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What's good to do with children (aged 7 and 8) over the Christmas and new year period in NYC?
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I just finished reading 'we need to talk about Kevin' (amazing my opinion), got me thinking about people with depression, obviously there are a lot of medicines and therapies to help with...
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ck1 receivers convert the electromagnetic waves back into the original sound / picture that was transmitted?
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Not sure whether this is more of a science question, but what happens in the body to make you have that empty pining feeling like when you're homesick or just broke up with somebody? So serotonin /...
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what is yield reconciliation with regards to chemical synthesis?
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I have a monsoon 1.5 twin pump that needs replacing, are there any equivalent (cheaper) products which aren't stuart turner brands available?
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I have my site sorted (thanks to Rojash), but now facing more problems. When I try to publish the site locally I get the following message "some data source connectors do not have a configuration...
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I'm creating a website using netobjects fusion 11, I can't figure out how to add text to a single page though. Any changes I make to a single page, whether adding or deleting text pictures etc happen...
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Quote from the BBC website "The crossover point on a pair of scissors when they are smartly closed is moving faster than the speed of light" Is that right, if so, how?

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