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keeps popping up on the right , i thought i would ask in this section. where do the educated people hang out?
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I was enjoying reading Klowns sh!te.
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what's the fascination with cake?
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Does anyone have any information on Scott (Thomson)Campbell. Born in August 1963, He lived in Easter Drylaw Bank Edinburgh With His Mum Mary. He was the second youngest of 6 kids - Alec, Lorraine?,...
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Further to my last post, anyone familiar with it ? I think it's great
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Hi my names legend and ive nevr said boo to a goose. ive also never been to disneyland. ???DID THAT HELP ????? What have you nevr done that may be rivetting and interesting to us alll on here????
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How many of you can honestly say that you have had the same user name since you joined AB.and never been banned? I don't mean anyone that has just recently joined. I have been Wendilla since October...
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Has any one ever grown potatoes in a tall container, (like an oil drum) I know that you have to keep covering the leaves with additional soil, when they come to the surface. But how does one harvest...
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yes, it's my old girl's birthday. happy birthday mumsy. I hope you get lots of outrageous pressies :o) xxx
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Wots ya favey one ? Mines tw@t, LOVE it, but absolutely can't stand the C one, under any circumstances
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There was a method in my madness yesterday about saying that it was your biffday yesterday as everybody seems to have talked about it on here since so I thing you owe me a big hug big time. Now get...
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some potted meat sarnies and a triffffle for crafty? o yes ...copius amounts of grog.
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When was the last time Man United gave away a penalty, to the opposing team , in a home game at Old Trafford. many thanks.
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I've recently started a new job and have a lovely new lady in my life, so.......... I've decided to stop coming on here and goading certain users, can we call a truce and move on? All the best to...
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But the game is up and everybody has sussed you out on here now and stompe2 wont work either. It was only a matter of time wern it you abusive w'anker
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To make my neighbours go to bed? They are in their garden, and it looks like they're having an all-nighter.. There's no point in my going to bed whilst they are are up. Any suggestions would be much...
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If you had the chance to appear on a quiz show without the hassle of applying and waiting ages, what would it be and why?
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i'm off to bed

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