5d. Punishment when belligerent offenders start (4) ?S?O 7d. Sort of 18 was called Garnett in UK (6) B?N?E? 23d. Attack animal G?A? Thanks for your help (is it me, or are today's clues more...
Can anyone help with these two posers, please? The answers have a food and /or drink reference. 4. Sub-Continental water fowl??? 39. 70's rock and roll band(more rock than roll perhaps) I can think of...
I am having trouble with the Ambidextrous puzzle. I need to find an anagram of the following phrase which is also an organisation suggested by the phrase. RED HOT POLITICS CAMP (3, 10,5) Thanks in...
So many quizzeson the go didn't realize I hadn't finished this one. Can anyone help with 6. Fill these before we flood (3.11) 15. Underground Force (6.4.) It has to arrive by 20th. I am always sending...
1a - law breaking as a business 9.5 d--g-n---s ---m- 12a - alderman, say 4,6 ----- father 27a - personal reason for action 6,8 -e-t-d -n-e-e-t 4d - yellowish quality 918a change path of light in...
28A To sneeze takes an utterest turn. 10 letters. ?T???U???? 27A. This should be number one! 8 letters. ????R?T? Looks like priority..... 19d. A learner's way to serve. 8 letters. UNDER??? Underset...