Anyone do anything 'exciting' with 'em?
I normally just grill 'em, but they aint half boring that way. Thought about possibly marinating them in something...?
Not stir fry recipes please :-)...
Inoffensive and brilliantly daft humour that to my mind never ages. What a wonderful legacy these two genuinely funny men have left to the world. Innocent laughter.
Always wondered why. A sense of 'I know better than you what is good for you'? Power? Self aggrandisement? Publicity? Money? The need to be important? To move in the right circles? To be part of...
This is very difficult for me to write, as somehow writing this out loud, makes it now much more real. I am married of 5 years, with a 2.5 year old little girl. I am 36 years old, though not sure if...
Question: how can Scottish Labour expect us to take them seriously when they present a 19year old candidate to the local electorate???? Is it any wonder the SNP are about to remove them from the...
are atheists/agnostics just as dogmatic about their unbelief as religionists are of theirs? Wouldnt it be more honest to say (when it comes to the 'big issues' such as life after death, paranormal...
Yet another demonstration of our moderate Islamic guests non- acceptance of a democracy that the country they opted to live in promotes. Why don't they just Bog off.?...
One day God calls down to Noah and says "Noah me old china, I wants you to make me a new Ark". Noah replies, "No probs God, me old Supreme Being, anything you want - after all you're the boss". But...
Is is just me or does anyone else think they are becoming too expensive? In a recent visit to one local Mind shop I found a Per Una top for sale for £9.99 which had a whacking great non-repairable...
Have you ever (years later) heard about any any old school mates that have become famous/infamous or that youve heard about and been surprised as to how they turned out?
A question about FB prompted me to think about old boyfriends and the reasons I was dumped or dumped them.
What is the most unusual reason you were dumped or dumped someone?...
A teacher said to Johnny, "If I give you two cats and then two more cats and another two cats how many cats do you have?" Johnny. "seven sir" Teacher. "No listen again.I give you two cats plus two...