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We have land in my partner's sole name, will we be able to get a joint mortgage over it?
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A friend of mine is looking to transfer ownership of his property into my name,the property is owned outright so is this a straight forward proceedure as no money will be changing hands.Will this...
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Can anyone please tell me how to stop an unsuitable person getting an E.P.A. This is unregistered. Thank you. C Smith
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My ex owes me a significant amount of money.  It is proving very hard to get it out of him.  Is it possible to sue someone privately, anyone know how i would go about it.  thanks x
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Should I charge VAT on an invoice in Euros to an Irish client for consultancy services, where the work was entirely carried out in the UK? Yes i know i should ask my accounts dept but they are...
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Why are normal q's being banned and now some obnoxious ones are getting through.
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From the look of the Suggestions thread, q&a's are being banned for no reason, email links are not working etc... Whats happened to the answerbank!? Its not what it used to be. Lets have a reason...
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I read in the paper the other day, an advert saying that from the 1st of april, British Telecom are no longer allowed to charge for line rental if you don't use B.T's phone. We have everything i.e....
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my husband traded a set of wheels for nicer than what he had on his truck.But the thing is that the friend that he traded with his truck is not paid for and the wheels were on the truck when hes...
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Another question from me!! A few months ago, I enquired with my mortgage company how to go about changing my monthly mortgage payment date, as I have a new job with a new pay date. They told me we'd...
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I have split up from my ex and need to get her legally removed from the deeds on our house.We have agreed a settlement figure and I have the cash to buy her out straight away.  I have been told...
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Just hit my ?4500 limit on paypal, they've sent me a note saying they want lots of information on me, just routine procedure, to comply with European anti money laundering regulations. What's that all...
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My Mother in law was abused by her father when she was a child. This happened arond 1957 when she was 10 years of age. The abuse that took place did not invlove rape but involved other things...
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the freak
Even though it's not a word, could it be accepted if I use it in this poem I'm writing? If not, does anyone have an alternative word?
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karen s
I have been divorced from my ex-husband for 14 years and have no idea of his whereabouts. He is the type of character who would not be traceable via the electoral register and I know that he has moved...
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I was recently asked the following question "How many calories are there in a glass of water?" Although I answered the question in the quiz with the expected answer of zero, I got to thinking, surely...
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Inspired by Clare A's post I was trying to remember unintentional funny headlines. One I remember is "British left waffles on Falklands" and another "Include your children when baking cookies". I...
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If my landlord hasnt paid the mortgage on the house I rent and I have had a repossession letter from the lenders solicitor saying the house will be repossessed am I allowed to break my tenancy...
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Can any organisation see details of my account and my bank balance? For example if I amply for a credit card, credit checking agencies or collection agencies
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Just laid a laminate floor and would like to know of any alternatives instead of the beading that goes around the edge to finish it off. Cheers.

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