Years ago when I was a grave digger, I had to exhume a body, well just a skeleton really, to enable me to dig the grave deeper for a second burial, this was illegal but fairly common practice. The... I am not that surprised at this, as prejudice and bigotry abound when it comes to nursing mothers. But in this particular case, the ignorant person making the... You continually called for the resignation of...
Let's see if Trump bales out within a year, i.e. 'Bottles out' Boris/Gove/Farage Brexit style, spring to mind, or more importantly will we still be alive on this
The rest of the UK post and talk about ... you have to question the mentality of the mods and editorial team.
It's a good job they have no control of YouTube....
nearly there but help and parsing please 40a revolutionary spymaster a traitor 5 41a soldier can judge 16 12 ?ARA??A????? para something? 16 might be blue 43a silkier shroud with a hole in? 8 ??O?????...