do you have social lives?....i know bob plays a bit of footy....but ronnie your a young chap who should be getting out in the real seem to be an internet geek.....
What is the difference between a girl who is dressed up sexily but nicely and a girl who looks a right slapper? Where do you draw the line? What are guys attracted to?
For she is overwhelmingly sexually attractive. Brings on a head of steam just thinking about her. Here's a pic from my collection: januarybugscantilyclad
Was when we used to have to feed the animals on cold mornings like today, and they were all in winter stalls, We had to chop the mangles and split the hay and all the beasts would be restlesss but...
I know we all enjoy a bit of banter but yesterday I got on the wrong side of a liar, so am reposting here what I said to put the record straight. I believe that january_bug knew that my posts on the...
Was gonna try: Allen & OveryClifford ChanceLinklatersFreshfields Bruckhaus DeringerSlaughter May Do any of their employees use this site? Like, on a regular basis?