Can anyone suggest what is wrong with my dishwasher. It's about 3 years old and this has only started happening in the last month or so. Things are not coming out clean, well specifically china mugs -...
Have just finished reading this Its only confirmed what Ive always thought...that the 'upper class' system knocks out any and...
The Chequers plan is rubbish, I have yet to hear anyone of any political persuasion think it is a good or even workable proposal, and yet the media is spinning it as if we should all be on tenterhooks...
Another example of lily-livered *** not standing up to a bullying government (actually it was Thatcher and her rate-capping that started it). I’d bet the people of Northamptonshire would gladly...
My son wife was arrested for assault and neglect of her children while on holiday without my son. My son has had the children since. They are now living in emergency housing as his landlord who was...
My husband is treasurer of our parish church, and pays the collection money into the bank each week, via the PO, because we no longer have a local branch of Barclays. The lady teller told him last...
Why do so much of the media lie and wish to denigrate Donald Trump? Isn't he the best US President for generations?
// Far-right activist Tommy Robinson has been bailed after partly winning an appeal against a finding of contempt of court, which he admitted. Robinson, 35, of Bedfordshire, received a 13-month jail...
Makes you wonder what you have to do to go to prison nowadays. Two young idiots stole a bus, drove it for a number of miles and then crashed it. Pure luck they did not kill anyone (though it does look...
There is an intriguing map in this article on differing life expectancies throughout the country - not sure how seriously we are to take that, but there does appear to be some cause for concern in...
Recently mentioned to me that a lot of local taxi drivers don't wear seatbelts . I now always look to see if they do ,and must admit the majority of them don't . Are they risking a 3 point licence...
That's it basically. Given the hot weather, I decided to buy them a pool to swim in, rather than walk them. Mrs is a bit concerned the chemicals will do more harm than good, but I reckon they'd be OK.
Yesterday American friends of the wife bought themselves a female puppy and they have intimated that they might call it BELLA .what can I do to stop this happening ? I’ve spoke to wife and implored... Physically disabled obtaining a "disabled sticker" is common sense, BUT mentally... Interesting feature in NYT on people reflecting on their decision not to have children and how in...
Post-cremation metalwork is removed from ashes. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, but metal to recycling. It's surprising what goes on that we aren't aware of (or more likely, don't give a second thought...