morning everyone, its very humid here hence the early start, i hope you are well and that you have a great day whatever you may do. My various chores are done so can now relax into the day. it was...
morning everybody, i hope you are well, and that you have a good day whatever you have planned. i have some deliveries coming today, not sure what time so it might be a case of staying in, which would...
another early start, i will see how the rest of the day plays out. I hope its a pleasant for you whatever you have planned, or perhaps just go with the flow. I am going to sit in local park weather...
morning everyone, another early start, its very humid so i can't get back to sleep.
i hope you have a lovely day and that its sunny and warm for those that like it....
morning all, its Sunday, which is supposed to be a day of rest, though that seems to have gone by the by. I hope that you have a great day whatever you may have planned. the weather was lovely...
morning everyone, its a very humid start to the day, its what's keeping me awake, so coffee on, the few chores are sorted, so will see how the day pans out, especially as it was such a miserably wet...
has anyone heard of this before, as you have till June 23rd to opt out. I will be telephoning my GP first thing, isn't this a total breach of confidentiality, your medical records up for grabs....
morning everyone, i hope you are well and that you have a lovely day, whatever you may be doing. the weather is somewhat humid at the minute, hence the early start, as i can't get back to sleep....
i am having trouble with adding single contacts to my new mobile phone an Samsung Galaxy A12. I took it into EE shop yesterday, where he did a data transfer, but its missed off some of my whatsapp...
morning all, its been a beautiful few days and it looks set to continue. I hope you have a lovely day whatever you have planned, and that the sun shines brightly. I have a new mobile phone and have...
morning all, i hope that you have a good day whatever you have planned. Yours truly got rather sun burned yesterday, which was a beautiful day, today looks just as good apparently....
says that he was mentally unwell when he sent that now infamous tweet about Arlene Foster, and has now set up a Go Fund Me Page, to see if can pay for the costs that she has been awarded 125k. Does...
morning everyone, the day looks set to be a nice one. Anyone have any plans for the BH. i will see if my parcels arriving today, if not then will take a leisurely walk around to local gardens and...
morning all - I hope you are all well and that you have a good day whatever you may have planned. Weather wise the prediction is good, unlike yesterday which was mostly cloudy. Which means i can enjoy...
morning all, its another early start, so not sure many will be on here till later, but it looks like the day is going to be a good one, weather wise, so lets hope it will be sunny for some al fresco...
morning everyone, i hope you are well and that you have a pleasant day ahead. Its early so don't expect many to be around, but i couldn't get back to sleep so thought i would get a head start on the...
this is an appalling story, and one that should be out in the open, upwards of 250 thousand women over three decades forced to give up their babies, because they were born out of wedlock. I watched...
i might be interested in buying a new phone - first off it has to be samsung, i don't want to pay oodles for it, has anyone a recommendation. if you have a samsung what model do you have.? it will...