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My granny once knitted me the most awful cardigan. The sleeves were a foot too long and she ran out of wool so the front and one sleeve were a different shade. It took her 2 years to complete, by...
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There's a advert on TV to do with broadband that ends with a barefooted man dropping drawing pins all over the floor a split second before the lightbulb goes out, leaving him in near-darkness.What...
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If you could travel back in time to when you were 15 years old what 1 piece of advice would you give yourself?
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Which celeb has the sexiest voice? Can be a singer or anything. Have to say, in Hakuna Matata... Simba!
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If you were to have dinner with any famous person (could be a historical figure) who would it be and why? Mine would be Stephen Fry because I think he's so clever, funny and interesting, I could lean...
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do you have a nickname and what does it mean?
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Wasn't sure where to post this - I hope I'm in the right place! My friend went out last week and got very drunk and left the club before his girlfriend.  She called him on his mobile and he...
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On Eastenders last night Mickey brought an old computer home and managed to use a computerised voice program. Is this a built in program on all microsoft operating systems or was it just 'made up' for...
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So what DO you value the most in your home? (Non human or animal)
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i have three. first: dirty dancing second:gone with the wind third:scarlett ok four! fourth:shindlers list
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which group recorded pink in 1997 then reissued again in 1999
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Am I missing something? Was this a stupid pointless experiment or was there a reason for it? I mean you don't need to be nutritionist or a dietician to know that if you eat McDonalds three times a day...
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Sorry about the pun in the title - but ALLO unknowingly prompted this question.  Offering advice, she mentioned making love outside - so without any gory details, where is the weirdest place that...
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From the pairs of options below pick the one choice which you favour from each pair. It doesn't matter what your reasons are for making your choice as long as you have picked one from all twenty...
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Dom Tuk
We see reports on a yearly basis as to who is the worlds richest person. Is there any information on who is the worlds poorest individual. (just publishing his name will delete him from the list i...
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I'm a student and have no job. whats your job?
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who was the first presenter of room 101 on the bbc?
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Last week a very pretty girl was walking past my daughter's house, when she made a clearing noise in her throat, then spat on the pavement. My daughter & I were astounded & the girl...
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indian really mad and trashed a place or thrown plates at someone when they're really mad?
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Very odd question, but i am curious... On the back of my jaffa cake bar wrapper (which i unfortunately threw away), in the corner was written: "Think you have a problem? Then call jaffaholics...

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