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monarchs heavy weight mr bush's place 14th king of france's harbour confused Kyoto reservation at a spa no purchase necessary here a sack for my father spiritual teachers troublesome insect spike...
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I am doing a word quiz and am stumped on this... '3 S in a T ' does anyone know what the S and T will stand for? Thanks.
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44 Could be a bullock with fingers on ends
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Hi think I ve found a typo on this quiz but hey I could also be wrong!!! Can any one help ? Q97 Which poem was written by Clement Moore in 1922? I think the year should read 1822 Can anyone confirm?...
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Can anyone help with these please? 19 TPILTTS 26 SISBSIG 39 DDNED 42 WMLTWBWCR 59 IWBATSIAHY Thank you
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30 Name of football team or make of lorry ??? Last one I hope
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single storey dwelling - place in britain 3.8. the bungalow seems the obvious answer .. isle of man has been suggested but i cannot find it. any ideas please.
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38 Colourless flammable liquid in heavy weight, lot of guns. 55 John Smith born here, English Explorer. 63 Hard or paperback being held. 87 This one worked in dockyard without nuts & bolts. 107 Jelly...
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Can anyone help me please as I am stuck on these last few. 22 The other side of bacon..East or West Ham? 31 Use only the white keys at Windsor..Elephant & Castle? 32 Sounds like a spicy...
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These places can be found in the British Isles:- 5. Penetrate the Span (12) ??????BRIDGE 8. Hobbles in the meadow (10) 12. Dark water source (9) 18.. Child's boot (8) 32. Put shopping in and have a go...
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I was about to post this quiz when I noticed I had one question with two possible answers: 27. The sides of the Thames ...................... is the answer Bank or Embankment, or is it something else?...
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84)Two things you need when shooting game (? and hounds)? 6)Yellow belly catching game at night 15)Drop this in water to stop 21)Flat fish or in magic & find it in bedroom 27)Kings eldest son 40)Good...
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What's happened to all the ABers today? Nothing to answer yet!
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38)Colourless flammable liquid in heavy weight, lots of guns (have seen Three Tuns arms mentioned, can see the tuns & arms bit, but why three) 45)Brawling fowls 49)Royal bird from Australia 56)These...
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Pub Names: 9 Composes & plays songs starts with middle english 12 Crush the grapes & smoke this one 16 Village in N Lincs & bovine for work & meat 20 Find hooter on a deer or goat. Any help gratefully...
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From The first page I need help with; 9)Remove a key from Norse Heaven and replace with near to 11)Sounds like this counter is a good place to argue 13)Does this capitulum belong to a moor? The above...
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Can anyone help on these please? 86 Needs these for rod and net 91 a nobleman with fathers mother close too 118 this jungle king is precious 117 bush & girls name & clue 88 many thanks in advance
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Stuck on last three 47. One Storey House? 22. Crush Instrument? 91. Member of Whale Family?
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Getting to the last ones now where i have answers but not sure where they fit. 4. Find a train in this pub 68. Carries goods and people down the line We have The railway inn and The station What do...
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37. female scallion I keep getting the answer Lady of shallot but cannot even find a pub with this name. Can anybody help

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