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frank jury

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You Mag. 23. Across........REPUDIATE........-E-E-L.........Is the answer REPEAL, a legal term?
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31 across onomatopoeic name for the green woodpecker.-A-F-E?........Another stinker 22Down.Soccer team who's home is Broadwood stadium.--Y-E......Also is Jo Enright correct for 30 down?
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self evident,truth,adage 5 letters
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33d.plant that bears yellow flowers and long pods. I have ??n?a. thank you....
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Help please with 28down 7 letters: an act or expression of rebuke or censure RE----F also 33 across 11 letters: a thing that excels all others or is of the highest quality S-P----T--R Many thanks...
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17d smokey robinson's singingcould thus be described[7] ?u?l?m? 18d smokey robinson's has had plenty of this [7] ?c?l?i?...
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Help please. 8 down his personal reputation has been ? fully 13 letters. R?????L?T?T?D 6 down > the people at Bletchley Park need their fair share of this 4&4 ?O?D ?U?K 17 down > vanquished 8 letters...
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Help needed with the following: 4a Green transparent variety of beryl? (7) 39a Metrical feet in poetry consisting of two syllables? (5) I think the first one is emeral but can't find the second only...
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19a coarse perennial grass yields sweet carbohydrate s??a? v?n? is it sugar vine or sudan vine? thanks
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10 D..Salts of a specific weak monobasic acid.
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I have done this crossowrd for years and years -WHY no more postal entries - this puts th cost of entering even higher via a phone call. I don't think I will bother any more - it is getting silly.
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Ray ? Sawyer, singer in the Seventies band Doctor Hook. E - E - A - C -.Thank you for help
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Help, baffled by 3D - a woman trained to provide support during pregnancy (5) I have D?U?A.....
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20 a - improve - 10 letters _ M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A _ _...
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Memorable saying illustrating the difficulty of change 3,6,3,4 thank you...
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frank jury
Can someone please advise what the question is this week so that I can fill in the "Your answer " space on the crossword. Last week it was "How many A's were there in the script !!!. Thank you...
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1a american term for using all seven Scrabble tiles in one gon ???g? 4a M.C. ?????r Dutch artist known for Waterfall 8a Chris :??:d??? footballer with Newcastle and Spurs in the eighties ta...
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15 Down.Emphasis placed on a word,or part of a word,to help a line of verse to scan.I -T- S. 5 letters. Thanks
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frank jury
43a bars, as in hotels or pubs / ?a?r?oms...
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I'm stumped on one Capital of North Carolina, scene of an annual "First Night" New Year celebration? N??e?g? Thanks in advance...

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