I like watching "road films".. car chases, etc, and collect them on dvd or video. I have Knightrider, The A-Team, The Fast & The Furious, 2Fast2Furious, Repo Man, Driven, Vanishing Point,...
We have a 4 year old male chocolate labrador: he is very mellow; excellent with children and other dogs; affectionate and very loyal and in perfect health. We have paperwork of his parents/grand...
I wonder how many sayings and / or Jokes become out of date due to changes in the world . A joke my dad used to tell ( often! ) was : Conductor : " Pass farther down the Bus! " Passenger " He's not my...
From the pairs of options below pick the one choice which you favour from each pair. It doesn't matter what your reasons are for making your choice as long as you have picked one from all twenty...
So far we know ABer's ages, gender, locations, shoe sizes and various personal preferences. I thought it would be interesting to find out what my fellow ABer's jobs/careers are, so, what do you...
All good ABers please note that netibiza (the real one) will not be making anymore posts under that name - so the sad goon who is imitating me is welcome to it!!
Why do some ABers feel the need to get involved in every topic. Even if it just to say 'you are right' or 'I was just about to say that' Is this interjection necessary? Does this annoy anyone else?
Does anyone know any good websites for when you're bored? Because I often end up sitting in front of the computer, thinking, "Ok, what should I do next?"
All weekend I tried signing in from home without success. On weeknights I get the usual "Welcome back graemer you handsome devil" but then on the weekend it asks me to sign in and...
is it true that if you tip a marlboro cigarette box onto its side it makes the triple k symbol? my history teacher mentioned this, as apparently the leaders in the 1920s were supporters, but i'm...