Has anyone got any amusing place names to report? It might be a village or town that you live in, or somewhere you have heard of. For example, I used to drive through Christmas Pie on a regular basis!
Do you think it is possible to cheat on your partner yet still be in love with them? I am talking about full on cheating..sleeping with other people etc.
I suffer from depression and anxiety,I dont take antidepressants at all,instead when I have a mood swing I try and get myself out of sitting doing nothing and do something,or play different music,but...
I'm 12 years old, and I just got myself involved in a sexual relationship with a 17 years old guy. He wasn't wearin a condom, am I going to get pregant? How can I tell my mum about this? I'm scared!
Which footballers have been in adverts and what were they for? I have the obvious ones like Becks and his million advertising deals, and Walkers, Pepsi, Adidas, Nike, Gillette, Vodafone, and Mr Va Va...
Where do all you ABers come from -don't need house adresses or any thing just a town or city? Its just that im really nosy and like to gather a picture in my head of all you lot? Im not a...
I have to do a presentation at college where i make connections 9similarities & differences) between what was happening in the country (Britain that is) at the time (the...