22A: Jack, having an erection, tries recklessly cutting end off - God! (7). I have ??r?t?r.
27A: Having been elected, Kitty's set aside (2,7). I have i? ??a???e.
Any help much appreciated....
Orgasm complete, rotate and go back to the start (4,4,6)
I have ?o?e f??? ??r??? Looks like come from something, but I can't get there. Can anyone help. please?...
Private Eye 596, 13A (last one): Persuade Trump's no.1 Klan organisation to, on crushing independent. (4,4) I have T-L-, E-T-.
Any help much appreciated....
Struggling to finish. 21A: Balls once associated with such capers, wielding canes left and right (7). I have ??n???s
25A: Rotating instrument for flies (5). I have D???S
Grateful for any help....
12D: Quite highly-strung Shakespearean character (5)
15A: One's up for playing this Shakespearean character, not half! (4)
I have Viola for 12D, and Iago for 15A. They can't both be right....
Help to get started please. 1a Dominant media figure like Clarkson is a threat to the country (5,9) 1d What might make you donate millions to a crazy jihadist movement? (14)