Why do we have this concurrent sentencing where a career criminal should get his or hers comeuppance and a very very long sentence but instead have these sentences as concurrent usually at the delight...
seen this and was wondering.....and please no big debate on Islam with me cos i cba.... ive deliberately chosen two things that anyone muslim or not could have a view on......
At long last it appears a tougher line is going to be taken: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/texting-drivers-face-90-fine-044525107.html#oIF5XnI As I began reading this I feared that one of the most...
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-22437884 /// If passed, the bill would ensure illegal immigrants cannot get driving licences, and change the rules so private landlords have to check their...
A German language student has brought his car to Britain and is driving it on his own insurance. He is studying at a language school in Britain and would like to drive his teacher somewhere during...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2321362/I-stand-Jewish-people-Lawyer-loses-career-office-rant-queue-jumping-man-medical-centre.html /// Trouble began after she attended the Bardoc medical...
http://uk.reuters.com/article/2013/05/09/uk-europe-britain-cameron-idUKBRE9480DG20130509 why he doesnt really want us to have a referendum. not that it was a secret but it also explains why Ken...
Yet another commemoration - this time 70 years of the Atlantic campaign http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-22434753 Given that WWII lasted about 5 years by the time you've commemorated a VE day anniversary...
Last Wednesday (before the local elections) he said... // // The Prime Minister, said that he was prepared to introduce legal safeguards before the end of the current parliament to guarantee that a...
have you any books you picked up, put down, then thought this is rubbish, not working, or can't get into. I have tried with a number of books, one was Gullivers Travels, but somehow i don't actually...
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/david-cameron/10040319/David-Camerons-rift-with-China-could-cost-UK-billions.html Should we allow China to dictate to whom our Prime Minister may or may not...
I don't normally venture into News but couldn't help but show my fellow AB people this article that I have just read. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-22428923 I was bemused by the absurdity of the...
In view of UKIPs success it has been suggested the Tories should publish a draft referendom proposal before the next election . Do you agree ? What should it contain.? What will DC do if any proposals...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2319541/Farage-Sack-Dave-Ill-join-Tories-UKIP-leader-follows-election-triumph-dramatic-coalition-offer.html /// He has seized on quirks in election law which...
This may sound a bit weird, but I have always been interested in this man - what made him tick, how he became what he was and, in particular, why he seemed think that what he did was absolutely the...
An awful lot of hot air has been expended about UKIP in the last 24 hours, and its worrying Cameron to death. But if we look at the actual numbers involved, perhaps it will help to calm things down a...