I never really watched big brother much, but when I did you never seemed to be able hear what anyone was sayin because their voises were covered by the sound of chickens or an aeroplane. It didnt seem...
I am about to drive approximately 1500 miles around the UK. I have fallen to wondering whether I should protect my licence by purchasing a camera alert system. Does anyone have experience of these and...
The best one's i have ever seen are........ In a pub in Carlisle called the King's Head, which stated 'I've felt Carol Vorderman's Bum'. In London (Holloway) 'Ken Dodd's dad's dog's dead!', and in...
I am regularly getting air in my central heating system. I have to bleed the radiators every 3/4 days. I do this with the system off ie. with the pump not working. What is causing this and how can I...
Jeremy Vine is running a poll for the best opening line in a song ever - what are your suggestions? (Before someone tells me, I realise there has been a similar question before but not for a couple of...
Have any other Abers come across this piece of software - I want to remove it from my PC but when I try to do so from my 'Add/Remove Program' list on my PC locks up! Having 'Googled' it I see at least...
Top right of the keyboard: Num Lock/ Caps Lock/ the third light that locks my 'direction' arows when working inExcel (ie can't move from cell to cell). Which *%$@#* key have I accidentaly pressed? How...
....well that was great - all the latest 20 phrases and sayings questions disappear off the bottom by inane bloody quiz questions. My question is when are you going to put a separate quiz section on...
We used to call them 4WD (4 wheel drive) but that now seems to have been replaced by '4x4'. If one of the 4's meand 4WD, what does the 'x4' actaully mean?
Answer: When it's an ape! Why is it so difficult to educate the masses to the fact that chimps are NOT monkeys? It really gets my hackles up each time i see a news report featuring a chimp with the...
I have a problem saving pictures in Windows XP in that it always saves the image as a bitmap even when its viewed and asked to save as a jpeg. I have had this problem before and vaguely remember...