Now, I haven't done any research BUT I don't believe the global warming theory. Anyway read this (I haven't) and see what you think. I shall read it tomorrow. I assume it makes perfect sense.,,30100-1 302328,00.html Just what are the sweaties so upset about? I just don't get it I mean we've been subsidising them for centuries. Without England they''d...
You couldn't make it up, could you? /news/news.html?in_article_id=509713&in_page_i d=1770 She says: I am a pet, I generally act animal like Does that...
i was in a chemist and found those little sweets called imps but they were called nigroids not imps. is this racist do you think? I couldnt believe it like.
I have just listened to a collegue for the last half hour telling me what her kids did this weekend. Is there anything more boring than hearing about other people's kids?
I'm told that noses are short in Africa and long in Europe because of the difference in air temperature. Is there any particular evolutionary advantage to having Oriental style eyes in the Orient?
with other men giving them massages? I was watching a sitcom the other night where the character was having a massage at the gym but it turned out to be from a man. Usual jokes. My OH said he wouldn't...
This Banksy character. Is he not just a vandalising chav with a little bit more talent than the average spray painter? Fair enough he may be making some social comment, but the same san be said of the...
is it fair to make art out of tragedy? making films based on true events where thousands, maybe millions were killed...for example - the holocaust, the rwandan genocide and the 9/11 attacks. making... A serious question for all curry lovers.Should we increase immigration to enable Indian restaurants to maintain staff levels...
I've been tossing this around in my head for a while, and I just can't work it out. The question is, what exact time are people referring to when they harp on about everything being better in 'the...