would direct action by eco activists make you consider going vegan in the name...
I work at a restarant and commute to and from work. The thing is that my commute is all up hill on the way to work but down hill home. I am not sure how I should dress in order to best suit the...
I lost my BoA bank card recently I filed for a replacement but probably won't get it for at least a week. How would I pay my for groceries without my debit card?
I want to start working out up to 5 days a week. There is time in the afternoon I have that would be perfect for this up to 3 hours. Any good ideas? I am down to do anything you suggest, as I have...
It finally looks like internal dissent, and the brutal actions by the regime against women and young people in particular, is reaching critical mass in Iran. Let's hope that change can happen without...
Has anyone been on a fitness retreat? If so would they advise anyone else to go on one I quite fancy one as I hope it might kickstart my weight loss I need to drop a dress size and I’m sure it would... Lets hope so. Some people must know who this is, they are shielding the lowlife scum, I hope they are doing some soul searching for their...
Following the Queen’s death, many are asking will bank notes and coinage with her head on them now become worthless? The answer to this question is yes; currency depicting the late monarch will indeed...
I have a tree on my property that is damaging the footpath on the public highway. I am getting the tree removed and stump ground. Am I responsible for the cost of repairing the footpath?
I was doing an oil change on my car and noticed that it had been welded the sump plug had silicon on it and no washer. The one for the oil filter did not fit. I ordered a new plug for the car and it...
In my garage i've got an opened, but little used, bag of cement covered in a plastic bag which I bought about two years ago. (The cement, not the bag!). Does cement kept like this 'go off' or would it...
I used to sell some stuff that I no longer used but which was in good condition for between £10 and £20. I last sold something about a year ago and this week listed a couple of items. After two days...
You might wonder why Kwasi Kwarteng announced the recent tax cuts and other government support as a ‘fiscal event’ rather than a ‘budget’; the reason is given in the current edition of Private Eye...
I've asked this before but can't find the thread,
I have a smart tv and my recorder has stopped recording so I need a new one which is the best make?...