I am talkng the truth now has boo got the right to think that she is the AB police on here So just what does the stupid old trout think that she can try to say to anybody on here that you cant say...
He had an article in the Sun today, if you saw it you might be able to grasp my reason for mentioning him. If you didn't, what are you're thoughts on him?
Why is every new username on here accused of being a troll? Are the regular half-wits finding it difficult to cope with the written word, or is the one brain cell shared between all of them, now...
Snowed in here and my cortina performs badly in such weather conditions, the maid has not clocked in despite it being shopping day and all i have is a packet of porridge oats and a banana, im...
based on the number of people who are dedicated lefties on here, we are due a visit from Alcoholics anonymous, which will be ok cos i shall ask them to bring samples : ))
Do you have a A C B ? If you do do you mind it ?Would you rather it was smaller or are you happy with its proportions?Im still undecided on this as its a new phenomenon to me . H T H ?
As some of you may know, i have been a rapid fan, I mean avid fan, of Garth Brooks for a considerable number of years, well, 12 actually, well, today I went into WH Smiths, and of course his new 3...
would you most like to tell how wondrous they are in a slightly nauseating sycophantic way while lighting a pound town candle at the foot of a plasticine model of them, while wearing a t shirt of a...
well what a bloody miserable morning this is!! and where is everyone today??? its sooo quiet on here. whats it like where you are, cause here in the east mids, its peeing down with gales!