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I'd just like to know my fellow ABers views on an incident that happened this morning, if you don't mind that is! As I was happily walking up the road with the pram, I was stopped by a woman in her...
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I had an operation on my tummy last year. Its all healed up but I am left with an 'apron' a hangy bit of tummy over the scar. Its really horrible and makes me feel ugly. Has anyone got any tips on...
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An old and hoary one. I know that in 1900 I didn't exist in any way unless I was predestined from the beginning of time. I can't say the same for 3000. Try something sometime. Imagine yourself not...
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some lovely bods in i&t came up with an answer of sorts but will only work as wallpaper not a screen saver chnology/Question256699.html let me know if it...
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......that similar questions keep coming up? Such as - the frosties kid and green names....? Don't people read the suggested Qs & As before they submit?????
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try this and let me know plz 1
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caz21 Its cool, see if you can work out how it does it! it took me a while but i got there in the end! xx P.s i know its not really body and soul but hey mnko did it...
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this is cool u have to post ur best time here mine is 18.2 seconds good luck 1
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O.K sorry to go on about her this is my last post on her ever but I have been told to tell you that sexyrussian is on myspace and has the url I am NOT sexyrussian...
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This is an obituary for SR, who has communicated to me the following: "I am leaving AB to go on the BBC tennis forum so you need not be irritated any longer" Obviously by "you" she doesn't mean "me"...
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Do snot, blood, urine and faeces have calories. Strange question, but it was a 'toilet' thought.
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can this cross dressing greenie be given an award for the (so called) greenie-to-offend-the-most-regular-users-in-the-shortest-space-of-time as within the space of just a few wee hours they have not...
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ok i love chocolate and could eat so much of it in one go. but i have just eaten a kit kat chunky which was melted and it has made me feel soo sick!!!! how comes i can eat loads of it when its solid...
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She is not getting on well with her hubby at all,he won't let her go out,and has now started calling her a fat c*nt!!! He won't lift a finger to help with their 4 kids and even rang her when she was...
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15 sheets og glossy paper 0ne pound 2 bottles of ink one pound got paper its ok
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We should have polls in my opinion
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ABE I have telt you on here that the automatic censor is or was not working and e-mailed you about a question that contained the F-word. Another question used the same word but instead of censoring...
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An airhorn got blown v close to my right ear on Saturday whilst watching football. I can't hear properly through that ear now. It doesn't hurt, but there's just a continuous ringing. Will it sort...
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Ever since I was about 11, I have had sudden twitches in different parts of my body. It used to be just my right eyelid, then it was the middle toe on my right foot. In my late teens and 20's (I am 28...

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