Has John McCain , pulled a rabbit out of the hat , by choosing a woman as his running mate ?
Do you think that it , will have a subliminal effect on voter choice ?
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-104607 0/MI5-tell-spies-come-drive-begins-recruit-hom osexuals.html Should Homosexuals or Muslims be recruited into M15, or are they too much of a security...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-104599 1/Anti-facist-protesters-clash-riot-police-out side-BNP-festival.html Another example of how nasty and violent the Left can be. They are not great...
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/g ay-activists-in-india-want-british-apology-for -sex-law-898979.html Now we are being blamed for exporting homophobia during the 19th century into India....
The Russians today threatened to nuke Poland. If this occurred, the EU must go to war in retaliation (this is covered in various EU treaties), with the US involved too as co-members of NATO, and the...
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/edinburgh_ and_east/7562773.stm Norweigan Colonel-in-Chief Nils Olav has been knighted in honour of his years of service to Norway's crown. Would anyone dare...
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/aug/16/4 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-104575 6/Prime-suspects-new-arrests-Antigua-killing-B ritish-honeymooners.html Why is the Guardian behind in the...
Looking at all the trouble with gun and knife crime I wondered. As a small boy I had a voracious appettite for war comic books like "The Valiant" and "Commando" I'd read them over and over again and...
Given the vogue of unfurling free this and that banners can we now look forward to banners proclaiming a "Free South Ossetia" or "Free Abkhazia" or even "Free Georgia"? Who's side are you on and why?...
What's this for.....as written at top of site "...... Important notice Please note: Anyone asking about or attempting to name people involved in legal cases where injunctions or anonymity are in place...
you were 85% certain you saw little madelline mcann in a restaurant?would you not say anything in case it caused a fuss?or raise the roof and let the police get called?im sick and tired of these...
it suddenly dawned on me that I have no idea what actually happened in this case. I know it was something to do with Brady and Hindley killing people and burying them on the moors, can anyone expand...
Looks like out European 'friends' are at it again. Now protectin this scum and costing us 50K a day in the process. Just when will we tell europe to F off ?...
It has been reported that China will ban our national flags from the olympics. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-104203 1/Welsh-dragon-St-Georges-cross-barred-Olympic...
Not a man made phenomenon shocker! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2496902/Lord-N elson-and-Captain-Cooks-shiplogs-question-clim ate-change-theories.html It's the Telegraph people, must be true! Will...
Which newspapers do you read ? Normally i would read the daily mail and mail on sunday , though i have brief look at the news of the world to see whos been caught with their pants down . Welll it...
I'm organising an 'England' theme fundraising evening and I'm looking for songs that people can sing along with. I've got the songs from Last Night of the Proms, but I would like other well-known...
Which celebrity do you look most like? I'm always being told I look exactly like this guy; http://img.skysports.com/07/08/218x298/Inzamam _ul_haq_549961.jpg