Last few, sorry if they've been asked before. singer getting sprue --r-s- Bumble's law -s- Protective packing for old instrument -u-e Thanks for any help
Hi. Any help with these would be great!! All modes of transport - no amount of letters. 21.Give a sweet to a film star 24. The company with clear differences 25. Pulls along part of the terrain 28. A...
Could be jokers catching a number with unfounded stories c-g-r-s ? Gen's pregnant. Al's gone missing -n-o. Could this be info, and, if so, why?! Any help gratefully received
7d: Where pips are expected (2,3,5) O- the -a-t- 28a: Filthy channel cut, showing change of heart (5) S-w-r The answer seems to be sewer, which is a filthy channel, but how is clue justified?...
8a expert chapter by thor heyerdahl (9) 19dn place that's dry and clean: york perhaps (4-4) -u-t -o-t 55a new red sign property of the firm (9) r---d-e-s thank in advance
Last few, would be most grateful for help! Is the author Raspe? Release water birds to fly round Kent. Is this "loosens"? As well as being a little cross -l-s