i have a store cupboard under an external stone staircase. water is coming in so i assume no waterproofing was done during the construction. is there anything on the maket that can be applied to wet...
that describes a traffic warden, (one word only ) we had our flu vac day today at our med centre, long queue, car park full, so severall cars were parked on double yellows on the side road, two...
Why on earth some people think this woman is worth anything goodness only knows. Great interview. They just stopped short of telling kerry she was ratfaced. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=jugiQnkl-ZY
well my mate told me other day that she went to our old school for her boys parents evening and my how its changed, my parents just used to go for about an hour and go round the different teachers...
Anyone else have this problem? I can't eat at work cus its too quiet and its really difficult to eat coronation chicken baguettes without making a mess.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-107972 3/Harrods-boss-Al-Fayed-questioned-police-sexu al-assault-15-year-old-girl.html Is this just another attempt to get at Mohamed Al-Fayed? Why can't he get...
What is happening with that Miguel Angel with the helmet, I couldn't quite catch the Spanish news, but seemingly they have found clothes etc and something about a German tourist being his last victim....
Yes im away for ...............I will be back .......... and hope to see all the usual characters on here. So dont ...... too much or ........ and .....................i will be back. THis thread...
Seems girls aloud wrentsinging the chorus on their " live " song on saturdays x factor. Was that what the miming dig was about ? i heard it did you too ?
?This new catagory has been created so that our latest poll topics can be discussed? { quote from Ed Blog dated Friday 10th October .... including spelling error!} well .... a magnificent score of 10...