Hi all, I work for a small manufacturing company and have a tight boss !! The company has recently had their windows bricked in but have chosen the 'cure' method rather than 'prevention' and have now...
Hi, I am a freelance self employed bookkeeper with lots of experience with small business. I have about 10-15 small companies whom I look after the accounts, VAT payroll etc for. I am self employed in...
I have just reduced by daughter's milk intake in a bid to reduce the amount she is weeing at night and wondered how much milk do children of this age actually need? She will still be having a large...
I'm going to Egypt, but I have no idea how much money I will need to take. obviously stuff is cheaper out there, but what shall I budget per day? A rough idea would be great. Cheers
This question stems from a discussion elsewhere. If you really thoroughly disliked another ABer, and he/she posted a question asking for help on a serious problem, that you were able to provide, would...
my doc has signed me off work for 2 weeks but my boss, and colleagues are not the best and think it will make things worse for me not better (dont worry im looking for another job) plus i only get...
hi guys im currently in year 10 going into year 11 in 7 weeks and ive just had my report back from school, obviously im doing my gcse's at the moment, my mock for mock exam results werent that good...
I wonder if anyone can give me advice on this question! I have been trying to find out who my grandfather was/is but my father did not know who his father was. We only know he was a lay preacher circa...
does anybody know of a humane way to get rid of a rabbit that has found its way into my garden and is so far being very evasive to my capture attempts? i think it is eyeing up my vegetable patch!
http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/Technology/Comp uters/Question593094.html Any advice much appreciated on this please. (Chuck, I can't get you on FB, I've left- bet you're relieved!) xxx
I have been working in a pre-school for over 5 years and was asked if I would train for NVQ before Christmas I said I did not want to do this and therefore I was not able to be a key person anymore so...
Hi my name is glyn and i am 19 i have been workin for 5 years and this is my first year were i have 2 work the 12th of july. I have been told that because it is a public holiday that by law i am...
Its been many many years since I've been camping, and , quiet frankly I've forgotten of all the essentials that might be needed, I know i need to take a tent, obviously but what the hell do I take
You only have to provide an interpretation for the following texts: The following days were unlike any that had gone before. There wasn't a man on the ranch who didn't know of Saturday's race and the...
How would you interpret this text? A few more minutes and the horseman was near enough for his little and shapeless body, his long Irish cloak, and the dilapidated bagpipes hanging from his shoulders,...