I have observed over the last months condemnation of some on here ( and by tory politicians ) of Labour party politicians expenses claims ; suggesting that's one of the reasons we now need a tory...
The Immigration Minister Phil Woolas MP is literally being confronted now on live TV about the plight of the Gurkhas and is virtually being told by Ms Lumley what's going to happen! Brilliant!
http://www.metro.co.uk/news/world/article.html ?Female_archer_kills_elephant_for_a_bet&in_art icle_id=648555&in_page_id=64 I am absolutely disgusted with the woman in this article but I can't fathom...
http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2009/may/07/musli ms-britain-france-germany-homosexuality Why should those Muslims who choose to settle in Britain be less tolerant, than those that settle in France or...
Whilst the Home Office could be applauded for excluding such low lifes as Fred Waldron Phelps Snr, Michael Savage and Abdul Ali Musa, isn't the banning of Martha Stewart and Snopp Dogg a bit of...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-117673 8/As-Labour-plotters-plan-replace-Brown-Charle s-Clarkes-shock-demand-Ed-Balls-sacked.html It looks as if Labour is about to launch a 'night of long...
http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2009/may/01/stop- and-search-terror-law With the possibilities of terror attacks you could expect the figures to go up but seems a wee bit excessive to me . It's just the...
William Hague: 'It is likely that we are going to be able to win the next election ... I put it no more strongly than that.' Is translated into the headline Tories will win the next election says...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-117389 5/Harmans-equality-allow-employers-positively- discriminate-men.html Employers could be allowed to choose female candidates ahead of equally qualified...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-117377 6/Gay-Tory-frontbencher-faces-police-probe-Mis s-Universe-death-threat-live-TV.html 'Have I got news' is a satirical show, where a certain amount of...
Just seen on the news the civil servant responsible for leaking to the Tory MP details of labours shambles, which resorted to them getting the old bill in to silence it has been sacked. Is this right...
Last November a member of the main opposition party was arrested and held for eleven hours on suspicion that he had illegally obtained information which was either secret or compromised national...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-117012 8/Im-sorry-Brown-finally-apologises-smear-emai ls--Tories-inquiry-dirty-tricks-row.html So at last he has apologised. Mr Brown said: 'I take full...
I need to by some new acoustic strings for my guitar, but I haven't bought any since the days of Cathedral Strings and because it's only recently since I took up playing again, the need is there. I...