12a A _ oscillator is one containing a tetrode in which the screen grid is more positive than the anode causing the anode current to decrease as its viltage increases (d-n--r-n) 25d A heavier-than-air...
doing stinker 209 a nile delta city, anjammadi i think this could be wrong, a?e?a????? 254 d strong-smelling, pungent fits this also could be wrong 255 d writer .....sontag, s ???m 253 a californian...
I have a prob with No.135down- clue TIPSY, and the letters I have are E..D.Y, not sure if really correct,have gone through numerous dictionarys etc but still cannot fin d it, anybody help. Many thanks...
doing stinker 286 a instructions for tasks, b-o--s 272 d florence art museum, of---- 270 a fall victum (to), have suscomb? the "o" is start of the florence art museum thats if suscomb is right 210 d...
Tablet, eg, for doctor with men at work (10) - - - i - a - - - t Shooting while hidden at tailless bird in Gateshead (7) - - - p - n - Canoeists capsize with the rest (9) - e - s - t - o - Bird - or...
28a Science fiction author whose works include te novel Moreau's Other Island 5,6 (-r-a- a-d-s-) 32a A word that means the opposite of anothe rword (-n-o-y-) 17d Jean -- F1 motor racing driver who won...
Each of these wordoodless is a word, phrase or saying cunningly disguised. See if you can figure out the following: 1) Give Get Give Get Give Get Give Get 2) OOOdomOOO 3) mad mad U mad mad 4. ) A P E...
The crusader isn't one of one of my best and I'm struggling with quite a few. If I can get help with these I might be able to finish it! 9d inhabitant with payment taking in team (8) 16d concert is...