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Tips for debt settlement.....
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Is there anything like good debt?
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Hello, This is Trust Net Lenders Investment Company, registered for funding. We are a reputable, legitimate & registered Company. Approved by the American Government, an Affiliate of the American...
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my husband has been diagnosed with a terminal illness. Over the past years he as accrued considerable debts which he has been unable to pay off due to lack of income or assets. The debts are in his...
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Heard that IVA is a legal agreement, can we waive off different kinds of debts in a safe and private way, and handle our finances thereon in a much better way.
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Guaranteed loans – Is there such thing?...
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Is it possible to have a bad credit history removed quickly from the record?.if it is which company can do this, and is there any cost?.can the credit record be repaired even if the individual caused...
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took this card out near one year ago, it gives a loan and i will have paid that loan back in august . the loan goes against your credit file and hopefully affects future borrowing and at least...
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Up if you had around 30,000 ? A friend is wanting to invest but not sure what to choose. She doesn't have a partner so it needs to be manageable for her. What would you suggest.
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If you died owing money (utility companies, catalogues, etc) do your debts die with you or is your next of kin responsible? Thanks....
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My partner is in the process of getting divorced. Before she married her ex-husband he had debts, which she sorted out for him prior to them getting married. After getting married he started running...
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How are the assets of each party determined? No mortgage, children, etc. school fees, debts. Should any disposable assets be spent beforehand, ie house repairs. Any other advice would be gratefully...

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