Stuck on the last 4 viz 13 In God's embrace Christian and I mark ideas about class struggle ?A?R?A?I?? (10 letters) 17 Contribution from pinch-hitter to overturn score-books? ?I?R???I (8); 24 Old blue...
finished except for 32 ac Description of pottery enthralling men or males in general ?A?T?M?N I am pretty sure the M is correct so has anyone any idea?
Grr - I dont like Broteas crosswords - find it very hard to get connections - could do with some help - Balzac's translated contribution to Tristram Shandy T??, ?????, S????; Ford's final attitude in...
Have completed this save for 6 down looking up synonym of German ridge - ?ONYS - Have tried NONYS (taking synonym backwards but cannot find any reference to this in Chambers - am totally stumped
stuck on 3 in each of the top right and bottom left corners! viz One of the Ladies Day girls recalled longing to embrace men ?O???F; Tory part name for a political novelist ?O???U; Member states made...
Something round in which person took of and sped noisily? ?H?A?H?D - only things I can come up with are Sheathed or Thrashed - if either correct then why?
Usually manage this quite quickly - totally stuck on 3 all interconnecting! 6down Peers out of top opening E???Y; 8 down Blow oxygen gas skywards K???; People filling crack in decorative work ??A?E??...
Stuck on last interrelating 4 viz 6ac Will errors here occur at start and end of day? ??M???; 6 down short story writer revolutionary at all times ??A?V?R; 4 down I'm with Peter on kind of train put...
I have completed but amm unsure of one - Cuckoo for just disorganised tio some extent I have ANIS but this is actually the plural of ANIS the American black cuckoo - the wordplay does not quite do it...
Talos has me stumped on 5 hanging together viz Flowery but also fluid type of story telling F?????; Paisiello opera about Juliet a stealthy mover N????; Sort that might petrify Sweeney Todd ?????N;...
Mr MJcLean has finally sumped me - bottom lefthand corner - they clear up in the style oif masters T?A?H????:
Epic fall leaving 50% off curren bill I???
extra in manly boxing movie ????, MAN...
Stuck on last 4 7down: Chance to satisfy when broadcast is put out ?U?A?E 2 down Help boy traumatised about love, reluctant to split up L?O??O?? 16 across Live flies very quietly eradicated in French...
three-quarters through - now completely stuck viz A strange way to be alone in Anthony's 2014 first novel A????,?E???E ;animal in British operetta productions ???G???S;i nitially confused struggle...