I want to move my current account to a new bank, but I don't want to take my Overdraft. Debtline even advised me to do this and then when my old bank start chasing me for the ?1500 just offer them a...
I take Metformin (hypoglyceamic medicine) 3 times a day, one batch made by APS have numbers stamped on one side of the tablet, either 93 or 48 why? and why the different numbers. They vary within each...
I pay my Credit card bill via transfer on the internet (I'm with Lloyds) although the funds leave my account the next day, the money doesn't register with Capital One until 4-5 days later. My dad has...
I've just bought Kate Rusby's new cd and discovered on playing it that it's a wrong pressing-it's actually ' Ibiza-the history of chillout '. So how common are wrong pressings? do people return them...
Whilst eating M&M's last night in the dark a frightening thought came to me. I was on a long car journey, and happily getting through the bag, when suddenly all I tasted was an M&M which must have...
We are holding a New Years Eve party at our house for approx 12 people, all close friends/family aged 25-30ish. Any ideas of games we can play? We've kind of exhausted drinking games so any...
I would like the male perspective on this, I am not moaning I would acutally like some good advice! I am not a nagging GF (I would like to think so anyway ;-) ) My BF and I both work Full time, at...
....it hurts me and my Mastercard, as result I am budgeting this Christmas, ?5 per person! any suggestions! NB This post isn't just for my benefit, I'm sure many of us are probably in need of...
help! my wife and i have been tryting for a baby for over a year now without success. is there anything we could take to better the chances of getting pregnant?
Can a widower marry his dead wife's sister? I am particularly talking about the rights and wrongs of late Victorian times. This is relevant to my family tree.
I have 3 in my area (Reading). BBC Berkshire is exactly what you would expect; an excellent public service. It's just that because it is so diverse and often minority interest, I rarely listen to it....
Please could someone translaste the Jamaican patois parts from these lyrics http://www.leoslyrics.com/listlyrics.php?hid=X4NiCt7ZgDE%3D to 'Uptown top ranking'. In particular 'Nah pop no style' 'Wine...
Can anyone tell me which is the strongest and most long lasting, out of Cologne, Eau De Toilette and After Shave. I always thought that After Shave was, but I've noticed that Eau De Toilette seems to...
I've been paying a debt off to a collection agency, by cheque, it was an agreed amount and I always pay on time. I recently received later from them saying I had missed October's payment, I know I...
...then am I lighter if I turn the lights off in my room. Apparently light has weight, if you get a finely tuned pair of scales and arrange it so that one half is in complete darkness and the other...
For the last 3 weeks I have been suffering with a pain in my leg, kinda right behind my left knee! At first I thought it was cramp, but for three weeks!.... It hurts when I sleep, when I move about,...
My missus went to a friend's house last nite for a girlie nite in. They ended up watching Bravo on sky and she said there was full on smut. Outstanding ! When did that change in the laws happen and...
Is there anything, apart from surgery, that will get rid of or reduce the appearance of bags under the eyes? I've heard haemorrhoid cream can be useful, but I'm not sure how safe it is! (BTW I've read...