52% OF YOU VOTE YES????? So you think that people will stop anti- social drinking if you shut bars? How many pubs and clubs are shutting all over britain every day but still it go's on. And as for...
Well I've done it, without too much trouble. I've given up the dreaded weed. It is a month now since I had the last one. Had no help, I just did it. I was eating more for three weeks but the last week...
its nearly lunch time ,how lazy am I . still in my jim jams and fluffy dressing gown , very mumsy. but its so cold up here on west coast have a great day ya all
I've been looking for the name of an explorer whose potted biography was circuated around three months ago. From memory, (with all its frailties), he was an army officer, irascible, quarelsome,...
Myself and the present Mrs Hughes are going to be in the audience on 'Question Time' tonight - not sure if we will be called on to ask our questions, I'll let you know tomorrow. For those who don;t...
It makes me sick, why do people have to do it ? Where I work it seems to be mostly done by the blacks and eastern europeans, it seems to be common practice for white hoodies and chavs too. It's a...
Hi guys, With regards to todays poll: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7665793.stm What do you think? Are the alcohol companies fighting a battle they can't win? Should they just roll-over and play ball?...
Theyre just about to play geraldines song on oasis fm here http://www.oasisfm.com/ feel free to listen in and hear geraldione sing btw i hear her and postdog are evry happy together.? Im sending them...
why do we allow muslims to preach their hatred here. Why dont we have the death penalty for anti christian views. Just wondering, a few hangings at the local footy pitch might bring the crowds in.
I have seen a post today, and heard often, that is offensive to call badly behaved people 'animals' as animals don't behave like that. Why do some people view animals in this way when nature...