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My friend is having a baby to a guy in the army. He hasn't really had much do do with her but says he wants to see the baby when hes home. Is she entitled to money from him for the baby if he wont...
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has anyone ever witheld some money on completion of a house sale, from estage agents. we have had terrible service from our estate agents, and want to withold some money, and wondered just how much we...
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It seems that my daughter living at home is running up debts with no means to repay them. Will this affect my credit rating?
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what is the best way to write a will
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Is there anyone out there who can help direct me in buying a touch screen remote for my hubby for Christmas? there are 3 on the Circuit City and Best Buy web sites, but I am totally confused as to...
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How come it is illegal for an adult to hit another adult, and in the home this is called domestic abuse if a man hits his wife (or vice-versa) but when a parent hits a child it is perfeactly alright...
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The Conservative voters amongst us only think they're bitter about having to "endure" the current government.  Really they're just angered and ashamed that their own party has taken over 8 years...
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i need advice on this problem my husband took out a bank loan and signed my signature on the agreement. i didnt know anything about this until he passed away, i refused to pay beacause i didnt...
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I've just acquired a pub, and am looking into obtaining business insurance (covering employers liability, public liability, contents insurance etc). The quote I've received from the insurers...
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what qualifications are required to become a bailiff
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Anyone know what ?10 in 1911 is worth today. Thanks in advance
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I have a 4 year old Ford Focus, Which over the past Month has developed Rust next to both wing mirrors. On the Ford warranty, it says the only things i am not covered for is stone chippings and Bird...
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Has anyone got any experience? Is it any good or not? How does it work exactly? Can you only use it for calling?
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Hi, can someone with a bit of knowledge point me in the right direction as to which car to buy. I have narrowed it down to a choice of two, both of these are the only cars I am looking for. Car 1 is a...
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I am a director of a small business and have today received a letter from our bank, with whom we've had an account since we first started approx a year ago, they have said that after carrying out a...
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A friend is visiting me in London (we're both from the States) and he is staying just off Trafalgar Square.  At about 07.00 on a Sunday, with not one car in sight, he crossed the street...
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How does the KEEP OFF THE GRASS sign get there???
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Has anybody else had a recent round by email of the 'needle in cinema chair and HIV' urban legend in their inbox. apparently this dates back to 1998, but a lady at work became terribly troubled after...
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aaargh what has she done to her hair .. she is on Jonathon Ross now ...  it looks bloody awful
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i am contemplating transferring my current credit card balance to a termed, no interest, credit card option that is popular at the moment, not being the sharpest money  minded being, are...

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