Carol Thatcher made a comment yesterday off camera though while still at work. If a person took offence at that, then fair enough, there is a grievance procedure to follow. However someone (and I...
I have been asked to be guarantor for a family member who wants to rent a flat . The family memeber is not due to start permanent work untill a couple of months time , so technically is unemployed ....
Hi All, I know anyone on here is unlikely to be 'informed' on these sort of things....but does anyone think the 100% (FTB) mortgage will ever come back, and if so when? I know its a finger in the air...
I Missed The Very First Episode Of The BBC Drama 'Demons'. Is There Any Way I Could View It From The Internet? Don't Tell Me To Go To iPlayer Or The Stv Player, Already Done That. Cheers
Why is everyone condemning her as racist, when nobody knows which player she was talking about and therefore whether the player does in fact bear resemblance to a golliwog?
Hiya fello foodies, i recently bought some cous cous for a health dinner, i was thinking of things to cook with it. would roasted vegetables goe well? if so, would anyone suggest any? another i was...
Hi all, Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this... Is this classed as a viable loophole? - "You can't not employ me just becuase of my age because you didn't post an age restriction in...
This question attracted very much interest when posted earlier. It has now been reported that a millionaire is to fund legal services on behalf of the Grandparent. Peter Hitchins sums the whole matter...
I'm in London, and pretty much everything ground to a halt this morning. My question is this - how many AB'ers managed to get to work, how many tried and were forced to go back home, and how many... 342.stm Just awful.... what is wrong with these scum bags? I had a conversation with the Husband recently and pleaded with him that if he ever gets...
Can someone please help me?! My husband is the director of a company which is quite new (1 year old). He employs someone who is NOT doing their job right. Plus, we have just found out that he has put...
Whilst working as a barman I signed for a brewery delivery as the owner was on holiday. This bill did not get paid and since then the owner of the pub has gone bankrupt. The brewery sold this on to a...
Meanwhile people in Iceland - a country currently in desperate economic trouble - have shipped jumpers and blankets to pensioners in England this week, to keep them warm in the winter. A container of...
We have recently seen a question on this site receive 188 answers to date. What is the all time record number of answers given to a particular question on Answerbank? What was the subject of the...
An absolute disgrace 6/They-say-old-care-grandchildren-Social-worke rs-hand-brother-sister-gay-men-adoption.html - and it's not just the Mail, it's being...