I am in my local library trying to print off e tickets for train/bus/plane but there is nothing in my inbox! I have been back home once and 'forwarded' all the confirmation emails to myself as the...
Cases which seem to point to personal survival after death and reincatnation not only happen in Asian countries which share the notion of rebirth, but also occur in the West. The following is from...
Mrs W and I were recently treated to a lovely dinner in a comfortable restaurant by a fairly newish neighbour couple from two doors down, As the meal progressed the man asked us why one of us said...
....grrrr http://www.btplc.com/inclusion/phoneservices/s ervices/btbasic/index.htm Introducing BT Basic We are committed to making sure that people with low incomes can still afford a phone service...
Why is Nathaniel Rothschild (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nathaniel_Philip_ Rothschild) trying to screw over his Bullingdon Club buddy George Osbourne?
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-107972 3/Harrods-boss-Al-Fayed-questioned-police-sexu al-assault-15-year-old-girl.html Is this just another attempt to get at Mohamed Al-Fayed? Why can't he get...
What exactly is this story about the above and alleged procurement of a donation from a russian Business ? Caught something briefly on the news , while out at lunch earlier
At least the Royal mail did'nt give in to these two.
http://www.thisisbristol.co.uk/news/Muslim-Bri stol-postal-workers-lose-case-prayer-breaks/ar ticle-402723-detail/article.html
Most of the world seems to have adopted Brown's approach to the financial crisis, so why are the markets not recovering? I think the plan is sound, it should be working.
i recently came back from a holiday in spain, whilst there i bought a limited edition pack of marlboro cold mint cigarettes, when i returned home i realised that shops over here dont sell them, so i...
What qualifies this man to be chancellor of the exchequer? His degree in History? The fact that he was a member of the same upper class dining club at Oxford as Cameron? Even the Telegraph commenators...
I don't know about you, but I doubt that Global Warming is happening. Even if it is, I doubt that mankind is responsible. For sceptics and adherents alike, please take some time to watch and absorb...
Soft drinks giant Pepsi co. are in negotiations with Iceland for a financial bail out. In return for part ownership of some of the country,s leading financial institutes they will, basically be co...
The rest of the World thinks so... Gordon Does Good Has Gordon Brown, the British prime minister, saved the world financial system? New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/13/opinion/13kr...
Remember the 42-Day extension being passed by the Commons back in June? Its upoming vote in the Lords serves as an interesting reminder of how quickly politics can change....