After eating a chess set, I took it back to the shop to complain. I said to shopkeeper, "It's stale mate!" "Don't be so silly" says shopkeeper. I said, "Check mate!"......
My wife is leaving me to live with her mother. She says I'm obsessed with every creature you could think of. Even though I'm sad, I said, 'Alpaca your bag, and let minnow when you get there"...
When I got off chair earlier, bottom of back felt stiff, strained and painful. Difficult to bend down. Think I've caught what you had Alba! Any advice?..
A friend of ours painted hall and landing, using a matt finish in magnolia. The thing is, I wanted him to do it in silver finish as it cleans easier. He persuaded me that matt would look better as it...
One pigeon says to the other,
"You still working at that lab, delivering urine samples?"
Other says, "No, I got promoted. Now, I'm the stool pigeon".......
My wife and I went to a cheese and wine party. We had a bit of a falling out. She was so angry, she threw a block of cheese at me. I said, "Oh, that was mature..."...
What a cleverly written, easy to read, dark thriller, with great twists at the end. Difficult to put down once started reading. Highly recommended if you like this sort of book. In fact Stephen King...
I've been wearing a floaty dress for last couple of days to keep cool. The only problem is, my inner thighs rub together a bit which gives me mad! Especially in this hot sweaty weather. So here's the...
I seem to have piled on the pounds recently. I don't know where it's all come from. A friend said it's probably stress. Well, I have had a lot on my plate lately....