Some 8 year olds were given a homework assignment to write a paper about grandparents. They were asked to write about things such as what their grandparents mean to them, what are the roles of a...
1d What an exciting finish to the Cheltenham festival ! (10)
17d Building ? N
O! High flats perhaps ! (2,3,4)
14d C2H50C2H5 :something to work out there ! (5)...
A kleptomaniac walks in to Doctors surgery, chock a block with goods under his arms. Doc says, 'Please, take a seat' The patient who is obviously very upset replies, 'I don't think I can take any more...
I have a friend visiting from Nth America in July and as a birthday surprise i want to take her to a european city for the day. Stansted would be our nearest airport. We have done the eurostar cities...
....that I cannot say for the life of me......They are in my head as clear as a bell....they come out of my mouth as utter rubbish. Aluminium.....luckily I can mostly use tin foil... Balearic......I...
Did anyone watch it ? What a load of garbage. It was so boring after the first time. But what a fantastic film on afterwards. The Talented Mr Ripley. I do recommend it.
(9d) A superior kind of criminal assistant. (7) ????TE?. (11a & 28a) Do such perfect abs demonstrate an appetite for laundry? (9, 7) W?S???A?D ?TOM?C?. (14d) Minute fragments! (7) SE???DS. (26a) Such...
Ive been on mirtazipine for 3 years. I was put on them after been sectioned in a psychiatric hospital. To say that they have made a difference to my quality of life would be an understatment. However,...