Not much to go on - any help please. G E L N D J J - S S B C W S C M - H C H P Durham/3 Yorkshire/2 Somerset/1 Hampshire/2 Lancashire/1 -----------------------/1 Warwickshire/1 G G G G W V E G - G E...
Named after one of three parts of land belonging to the Manor of Ebury which was then converted into a place for Deer By Henry VIII and opened to the public by Charles I.
Help much appreciated: 1 One causing disease on a farm is a wretch B?I????? 2 One disposed to be lifeless ???? 3 Manfully oppose brutal person holding republican leader B????? 4 Protective shield...
I find these hard! What meat is used in the traditional West Country dish, Poor Man's Goose? (a) Horsemeat; (b) Lamb's liver and heart; (c) Pigeon; (d) Chicken liver mixed with tripe From which...
Help! 22A: Hear youngster in water, a seal (6) 24A: Secretary to take advantage of break (5) And, I've got MYRRH for 19D [Carpenter loses a minute returning third gift (5)] but not sure it is correct!...
Does anyone know where I can find Panyan (Pan yan) piccalilli? Apparently it used to be sold in kwiksave but they've discontinued it. Any suggestions very much appreciated...
i.e. this jab will clear the illness injection and infection 1. This fashion is old hat 2. Same old life -- or something better 3. it's a bit wet -- but I quite enjpy it 4. Designer footwear? Or just...
Does no.17's Othello mean anything to anyone? Its related to an area of Derby city but I haven't even got a starting point. (7, 4 ) Any help much appreciated
Boxer with a small pseudonym. The letters I have are x-l-n which make XYLON but I cannot find the meaning of the answer in any of my searches.Help please.