12a financial checks of assets men assembled over time (5,5)
I've got something wrong in the down clues, but can't work out which, so any help appreciated...
12a Thus Mademoiselle is given a French flower The letters I have are ??M?E (the 1st letter may be S) I'm not very experienced at cryptics so may be missing the obvious. Am I looking for the name of a...
11a European politician aboard the rescue craft in recreation area (5,4) T???E ?a??
5a make rough version of a score before noon (7) ??A?S??
thank you...
54a The last and worst age in classical mythology (4,3) Not confident of any of the letters I have and 42d - Hound used to hunt hares (7) I'd guessed lurcher at first, but it's obviously wrong. I...
15a Sudden stock issue? (8)
Stampede seems to fit, but I don't understand where Sudden comes in. Would be very grateful if anyone could explain it - or is my guess wrong?...
7d conceal everything inside house that's grotesque (7)
5d - Unorthodox teacher's remark that informs business trategy (6,8) I think the second word is research. The first word ??R???...
26a warm wear for someone taking leap in the cold (3,6)
I think the first word is SKI - I've got ??m??? for the second word - but I'm probably wrong....
Soldier needing rest, one about to become dependant on others (9)
The last letter is C. but I've messed up somewhere so not sure about the others.
Last 2, so any help appreciated
40a: playing card or side of die with 3 pips (4)
12a: large plant in the banana family native to the Philippines, cultivated for Manila hemp (5)
thank you...
42a tropical plact cultivate for striking foliage and brightly coloured waxy flowers (7)
I've got B???N?A - but may have some of these wrong.
Only got a couple left now so any help appreciated...
30a Emblem in the form of a St Andrew's cross; also the national flag of Scotland S???I?? 31d Hungarian composer known for his operattas (1870-19480 (5) Takes me all day, but then I'm finished, so...
3d. Italian dessert made from cream. (5,5)
20d. expression from Latin meaning by general consent (3,4)
Taken me all day to finish - just two left. Thanks...