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mikey4444 Perhaps they should feel some sadness for all the boys that Smith is said to have abused instead . Being abused my Smith must be akin to being...
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Last night my daughter was in the finals of a beauty contest, which she didn't win. However, she was awarded the title of Miss Charity and received some fab prizes for raising the most money for a...
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Why do we laugh so much at people passing wind? (Being polite as it's Sunday) Been watching Police Academy where someone dropped one in a lift,and I was in fits, are we all the same?
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...and keep her company for 3 or 4 hours on a weekday afternoon?
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24 across informal description in tennis of the lines marking the edges of the singles and doubles courts and the area between t?a?l?n?s could be traplines ?
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Working in Care Homes, especially in the field of Dementia I often find that families, usually sons and daughters don't visit their parents once the dementia progresses. The reason I usually get is:...
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I am sooo excited for you.....get the needles out
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Haven't been on for ages but not much has changed by the looks, still the same old chatterbank. Cracking! There'll be two extra benny3008's come October as my girlfriend and I have recently found out...
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The others I know around here are called, Annie, Bonnie, Max, Nigel, and Meg. Is Atticus too posh a name for a dog?
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Team captains please name your teams.
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But I've forgotten how to add a picture on here as I've not been around ferabit mmmm...
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Anybody else have bad pain, diarrhoea after finishing antibiotics for diverticulitis? Am suffering really badly....
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1a person adored taking time in warm place with roy perhaps(5-5) 16d spirit shown by arabs in thessaly(8)...
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I am hoping this question is in the right box so to speak my enquiry is can someone please tell me out of two household hoovers namely the Dyson and that Hoover the small dumpy ' Henry ' which of the...
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Was there a sadder case in the papers today? Walter Crompton was arrested for administering a noxious substance.His crime?To take morphine patches,which had been prescribed by the doctor,to apply to...
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I shall be organising a game of Articulate later on today (during a boring period). Please sign up below if you would like to play. Got to go out now but will be back later to sort it out. Thanks....
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A blessing or a nuisance? Increasing independence or encouraging idleness and a dependence on the scooter? There are very few scooters anywhere else in Europe (I've been in Ireland, Spain and Portugal...
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How long would pills take to get out of your system,I have had a reaction from statins and have come up in a rash so have stopped taken them.Have been back to the doctors and have been given...
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i have a very beautifull wife and daughter, though me and my wife have not been getting on now 5 years since she became pregnant, she is allways filled with anger and this makes me not want to touch...

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