Answers are TV shows. 1. You, me & them (2) - could this be Us? 5 Type of stadium (5) - (if this was more letters I would have put Grandstand!!!!!) 13 Joined together (6) 20 Damaged during an accident...
Anyone here have good musical knowledge and familiarity with tabs...? I have a young nephew who has been and continues to attend paid lessons. My issue with that is that despite spending over a years...
I say this with added humour :) I often see a topic that may go to 100+ but by the 100 mark, it's got nothing to do with the OP which is often quite funny :0))) I bet this one ends up political even...
59a,building that is offensive to view,e?e???e
89a,discussion class,?e?i?a?
Finished it but I need help understanding one answer. Two clues that run together: 25a. Large drink... (5) 26a. ... for which bar charges suspect (8) Answers are STOUT and GUINNESS, but I can't see...
So what has really changed? Pubs closed at 10pm (again) Table service only (I think that’s how it was anyway?) Weddings reduced to 15 Office workers to work from home if poss (which most were doing...
Many things have happened in the world over the past 100 years. We have seen the fulfillment of Bible prophecies, including COVID-19, whether people believe them or not. The Bible tells us that the...
A man walks into a pub while his buddies sit outside to secure the picnic table. He orders 5 pints of lager, 2 bags of crisps, 2 scotch eggs and a pork pie. The barman placed the order on the bar and...