19.uneasy lies the head(5) 20. not from the canal zone(6) 23.foundation sphere top(8,3) 26.reordered by bus(5) 28.you could be beaten into it(6,3) 29.american derby(6) 30.urgent plea for sign of...
2. not a nor'easter(9) 3.craft queen(6) 5.forces plants(6) 8.reached a high point in it(6,3) 9. imagine it(7,3) 10.jostling crowd cover(6) 11.expensive follower?(11) 13.royal residence(8) 17.made a...
42. is the timber tapper making a noise(2 words)
would be interested what answer people have given.cannot be woodpecker as it is one word.
any suggestions please many thanks...
69.cold place,changes direction(2) 71. is there self esteem around in a pin? 76.tom gluile mght do a turn if you ask him 78.national trust gets in line to sing well 79. pick a biscuit 88.theres some...
34. a young horse goes round chinese dynasty 35.i saw him steal awy to hide 45. i get in squall but leave the ends behind 46.revolving,prove with 50(nightjar) that its a feathered friend. 60.ask jayne...
1.precious metal tops the waves. 5.sounds as if a couple have a tin 6.it could be a famous steam transport one 8. the crook hides the evidence of it. 13. is it a cowardly coloured tool? 18.can ada...
50.turning angry wrote about this eurovision commentator(2) 89.does cleric sy kestrel turn into a droll comedian(2) 94.sounds as if ken is always right,eccentric comedian(2) many thanks for any...