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Only a few left now: 18a Dissolute female character is dime novel material (7) starts with D?M Why is 7d EMANATE? Spring term up at Eton's beginning 24a This kind of basket is not very strong (5)...
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how good is green tea for you really???? is it high in caffine?
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Someone I know is having problems joining AB and we can't work out why.He lives at some distance, so it's not practical to check in person what is happening. I run Windows XP, with the facility to...
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My house, which is in the country, is overrun with spiders. I don't mind them, but they are a sort I've never seen before, tiny little bodies and very long thin legs which look very fragile. Has...
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General knowledge, Town in Dyfed : LLA-A-T- Clockwork, Manufacturing area or building (8).
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Does anyone know any interent sites where i can learn turkish for free. Cheers
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Apart from, does anyone know of any sites which runs competitions for prizes ? Lovatts used to, but they have stopped. The puzzles on Puzzler are pretty feeble, but I have won some...
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My wife is constantly suffering outbreaks of this, the tablets given make her really ill and give little relief b4 the problem returns, does any one no of any natural remedies
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I read somewhere, in a PC magazine I think, that a new mobile needs to be let run down completely a couple of times, then fully recharged. There's nothing in the handbook about this. Can anyone...
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does anyone have one of these or similar and do they work?
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Does anyone know the location of the castle on the cover of the current issue of Puzzle Monthly Collection, please?
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My mobile phone, which is really ancient, is showing a message this morning, 'IMSI failure. Switch off.' Can anyone tell me what this means, please, and what if anything I can do about it?
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I have always shut my PC down in the correct way, but recently it has switched itself on several times. I have checked very carefully that it really is off. Yesterday I was in the room, heard a...
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I've finished Expertease apart from 24d. 'Retreat with time to', -E-T. Thanks for help.
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I need a simple 'yes' or 'no' answer to a question regarding a possible claim for money, and will be grateful for qualified legal advice.
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I can't use OE, as every time I try to open it I get the message 'MSOE.DLL could not be loaded.' I've tried to reinstall, with no success, and a PC technician was at a loss to trace the problem. Has...
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I'd like to change to this from dial-up, but there's a limit of 1GB a month on downloads.I don't know how much this is. I don't download much, but would it support, say, installation of an antivirus...
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fem lover
why we always notice that men always attracted to women extremly but women seem that they run away from sex and dislike it? it is a simple question but i really dont find an answer for it so please...
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Ok, I know I am probably boring you now asking for advice. Am I having one in your opinion? I am having a little brownish blood on wiping, thats it though. I have had it 3 or 4 times in the last 24...
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I have not been to the dentist in over 2 and a half years due to the fact I am on a low income and cannot afford the work I need doing. Last time I went my bill was going to be upwards of ?200 and I...

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