HI ALL , LONG TIME NO SEE just a question please and i dont want smut etc , with regards to hair down below , do men prefer women to have NONE A LITTLE A LOT the reason i ask is after something alan...
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/7936752.st m What is the best way to help poor Africans through this credit crunch? Some say aid is the only solution. Others say this is a never ending cycle and...
Stuck on 30d Deciduous shrub or small tree which bears catkins in spring and edible nuts in autumn (5). I have -A-E-. Could the answer be CAPER. Help appreciated.
I have messed up my top right hand corner 9 Down the answer is Heavy Metal so what is 8 across with regard to official language of Eritrea as so far I have A_H_R_C
Two 'Katies' this week! 32d Annual vine grown in China, Japan and the Himalayas for its reddish-coloured edible seeds (6,4) Adsuki or Adzuki bean? Chambers prefers Z. 4d The largest of all citrus...
6d. Extent or measurement of a two dimensional figure a_e_ 17d Branch of language spoken in Hungary and nth.west Siberia. _g_i_. Last two , found it it quite easy this week.