3.Casual term for a female flight attendant (7,5). 18.Rubbish!(4).39. A small crested penguin(no amount letters given).Will appreciate any help given.Thanks in advance.
Thought i had done but just found one more.53.Ray,s sub zero hero. (5) I have two 5 letters answer but not sure if any are right. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance
Can anyone help with these last ones. 11.Shorten colin and a big Irish gun. 33.Lucky skiver.9.Did this psychiatrist practice on bovines? Have answer to this one but not sure about it. All answers are...
Can anyone help with these last two. 9.Sounds like buildings to house aeroplanes plus a very old path.(10). 40.No. 6 from Grantham or 54 from Newark.(7)Answers are places in British Isles and contain...
Can anyone help with this last clue, 26, Unclothe farm men crudely to give clue to this suave spy.(6,6). Surname begins with either Q,U,or V. Thanks in advance with any help.