I have a 1995 Golf GTI 2 litre, 2 door. After recently getting an oil leak fixed - pump had to be replaced - it has come back from the garage and the electrics are playing up. Namely the dials reset...
Hi there Recently i've been having trouble with my network cable on my computer. I can't seem to connect to the internet and the icon for the network at the bottom right hand corner of the screen says...
I have an I-Friend laptop which has a 1394 Net Adapter Port. What is this port? What purpose does this serve? I have an ethernet port but what are the advantages of the 1394 port vs ethernet... if...
From the pairs of options below pick the one choice which you favour from each pair. It doesn't matter what your reasons are for making your choice as long as you have picked one from all twenty...
i need to buuild an am arial to pick up shortwave (specificly around 15 MHz) any ideas in the way of size and method. i was thinking a square frame with the appropriate number of rings of wire i have...
Are there any chat rooms (not porn/dating sites) still available without having to download Java? I just want to sit and blether to like-minded souls without all this download hassle and pages...
I have a 1 month old Dell computer which the casing on the procesor as started vibrating. If i put my hand on it stops. I have had to put a couple off books on it to try and stop it' which does work....
I suffer with a shaving rash on my neck wich the official terms is pycosis barbi does anyone have any good tips as in razors any gels or creams which dont irritate and has any one gone from wet...
Hi, I have found that windows media player 10 is using up 100% of the CPU usage after it has been running for a few minutes, bringing everything else to a standing halt. I've scanned my computer...
Is it possible to set outlook express to send automated responses? I'm going on holiday soon and would like to set up an automated response to any e-mails I receive saying that I'm away and that I can...
I think i'm on this site a lot, and I try to answer as many questions as I know the answers to. But a lot of the time, I'm just reading posts. I notice certain people crop up a lot on this site, such...
I was just reading "How quick is evolution?" question when Bob a job said "toby19 i hope your joking,this is the science section." So does anyone believe or is everyone here atheist? Discuss. Sorry...
ive been reading lots of these posts and found out how old a lot of u r, and where u got ur ab names from, but i would like to know who is male and who is female and what part of the country/world u r...
My girlfriend uses a Yahoo email account for her business emails. She now has a huge list of customers she would like to email newsletters to. But we can't seem to work out how! Where should we create...