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I dont love my mum and dad, I feel bad about this but they arranged my marriage 32 years ago, and the the marriage broke doen 20 years ago I have been on my own liveing in the same house as him but a...
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Are the Q10 tablets good for youto eat ot not and how can I have more energy?
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What is Q10 are these tablets good for you?
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I am size 10 but have afat stomach can you help me I feel ugly and old I am 49 years old.
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My son was due to go in for hearing at the police station tomorrow, the police called his solicitor and told her that they have not finished investigation and have moved the date to two weeks 7/9/07....
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My son met a polish girl and fell in love with her he moved her in his flat as she had no where to live, she arrived in UK witha job or money, as a family we all helped her obtain a home address so...
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A polish girl my son met asked him out on a date, she arrived in this country without any money or place to stay and with out a job, my 24 year old son British born took her in his flat and helped her...
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My son was arressted and told he hit his ex- grl friend and harressed her by mobile phone. he is due to go in o the police station this week - to be charges. he is a first time offender, clean record....

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