The two letter sequences are as follows and you have find out what letter is missing from it: 1. B C D E I K O X 2. A H I M O U V W X I think the missing letter on no. 1 is H as they all appear to be...
My first is in RABBIT but is not in HARE; my second is in BRACE but it is not in PAIR; my third is in LADDER but is not in CLIMB; my fourth is in LEMON and also in LIME; my fifth is in AUNT but is not...
I have to work out what ABC and DEF are. The puzzles is as follows: If plus and minus 155 days are equal Then 201 and ABC are equal and 725 and DEF are equal I would like to know how to solve this...
The two puzzles are as follows: Pigs = 71 Sheep = 78 Bulls = 91 Horses = ? Mauve = 39 Green = 26 Cream = 21 Black = ? These are the last 2 puzzles in a word puzzles challenge that we have entered at...
Australia =960 Madagascar =1152 Ireland=576 Cuba =? Its a one-off puzzle me and a friend are trying to solve for an in office quiz. We are totally stumped with this one. If anyone could help us solve...
Before decrypting this code it starts like this: bjlrir vt nmek ljozm So I decrypted it and got this: owyeve ig azrx ywbmz On looking at it I noticed that all the letters have been moved 13 forward. I...
I think this is a Railfence cipher puzzle. The code is as follows: tshietruetaorperceuvrernetntthleyctahcrheeefs rtoimcfkaslfliilnlgidnogwandreeesp uhlotlilnogwipnlzeearsoefeuntsuurreeftihnedss...
I am still solving cipher codes and I am stuck again :((. The code is: Iwqgibmtz kw djtm vdrf gpw pbdp mgvz upbp wof npwu opcsu la uwpm wv dzfcwl jb uq fybkl vkl tmwgq wmct flmgmsgqa fvdtbwuqppv btme...
The code is as follows:
The Keyword is Solve
Many thanks in advance...
The code is as follows: ZHH CnyK JHqBLDIEzKt VnO IDAAF, Gy HnPKu, zwzHDI lLK ANmzGyP. LE JDIB zHHJ, gEu zBmz JDEmz LHTnuzs VtH vER CKzERnzKoC (XRLIBEQ = FBYIR) The keyword is Solve ...... I think....
I am stuck with this maths puzzle and any help would be very much appreciated. The puzzle is as follows: Complete the series. 9=4, 21=9, 22=9, 24=10, 8=5, 7=5, 99=10, 100=7, 16=B I have been trying to...
In a nutshell the puzzle is below and is driving me nuts. Any help would most greatly appreciated. DISC is now more commonly an acronym for Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance. All...
The puzzle is as follows and the solution is a set of co-ordinates like these: N 53° 23.759' W 002° 22.517' THE PUZZLE: It was Sol’s bedtime and as he was finishing his cup of cocoa he...
In a nutshell the puzzle is below and is driving me nuts. Any help would most greatly appreciated. DISC is now more commonly an acronym for Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance. All...
In a nutshell the puzzle is below and is driving me nuts. Any help would most greatly appreciated. DISC is now more commonly an acronym for Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance. All...
My little cousin has asked me to help him solve this maths question and it has got us both stumped. Even the wife, who is an accountant, has got stumped and I look at her as a maths expert :)). So...
UE 14 ETT NH 09 ASR SE 09 BUS CI 14 ENO RT 22 UQE AT 27 MOR MB 05 ELD BA 10 NOC LF 06 CAE EE 10 ART AN 17 SLA TR 27 FTC RE 05 EBM ES 19 ESR PO 17 UNH The list is a list of number plates. Rearrange the...
I have been given the following number plates: UE 14 ETT NH 09 ASR SE 09 BUS CI 14 ENO RT 22 UQE AT 27 MOR MB 05 ELD BA 10 NOC LF 06 CAE EE 10 ART AN 17 SLA TR 27 FTC RE 05 EBM ES 19 ESR PO 17 UNH The...