But I expect Mr Farage will just say that it is a one off and isn't very important. This is just a few days after Sanya-Jeet Thandi, a rising student...
Nigel Farage is no shrinking violet and has a forthright style but this chap takes the biscuit! Imagine...
10a) Sow in small unfinished Siamese house? (7) ??A?T?? 12a) Engineer ponders over tube in finished articles (3-8) ??? ???D?C?? 14a) Drive forward - the Spanish went in front (9) ??????L?? 14d) Undo...
1a) Part of street with say, people in it (7) 1d) Some sailors send a signal up in gloom (7 ) 5a) 6s relative rejects drink? That's fine (6) do not have answer to 6 7d) Crazy political hero tours...
Warning: Graphic Content. Can ayone see any...
Has anyone finished this? I cannot understand 3d. A border. 4 letters. I have RAND but cannot think this is correct, but it comes with all the other clues being answered. Also 6d (L) under the word 2...
2d) Colt, say, raised miserably beside motorway (7) S?????M 5d) Swinish cutback in energy (7) P?????? 7d) Burning a mark on shop-jumper's forehead (7) no letters 9a) Interest parent touring hotel in...
12a) Start working with expert, bracing tense back (7)
24a) King of remote Danish islands, say? Not quite all (7)
18d) Oprah arranged to meet new little Annie, for example (6)
Thanks in advance...
1a) Doctor uses it to cover walls - it absorbs fluid (6,5) 1d) Acrobat: 'I kept rather low, nervous about gravity' (9,6) 4d) Page copier cut, offering some security in office (9) 6d) Sister with...
1a) In photographic work model lands job abroad (7) I have ??s?i?g
and 1d) Italian magistrates case succeeded among nationalists(7) I have ??d?s?a
All help much appreciated, thankyou....
I see that you have amassed quite a few badges, one of them being Curator, which says that you have given a total of 100 Best Answers. My tally is slightly higher than this yet no badge! Pourquoi??