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I think i'm having a mid-life crisis at only 30. Basically, I feel like Briget Jones without the mates or love interest. All my mates have partners and usually spend the weekend with them, so that...
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lat january i found out my fella was seeing someone behind my back and i move out of the house. After living at my mums for 8 months we got back together. I am currently 3 months pregnant and last...
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I'am attracted to all da sexy guys. I have a bf but he doesnt kno that i go out every nite.. there is always anotha guy on da line or that im totally into.. Can someone help me about me being a...
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hi can someone please tell me how to change the message tone (when u recieve a text )?
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dose anyone know why my question about goats was banned by answer bank ?
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Right, going to a karaoke bar tonight, need suggestions for a song to sing - I can't sing very high notes well, so thinking something in a slightly lower register. Any ideas? I've never done karaoke...
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Saw these large duck eggs when I went farm for my eggs .How long do you need to boil them for .thanks
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i have limewire on my pc and it's always worked fine but now it won't connect. any ideas why?
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....on this, the Ides of March ? I've had one of them days you want to file under ' f ' for... forget ( decided at last mo to keep it decent ) How about you ?? xx
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do swans have willies?
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I have a 2 year old male cat and am looking to get a kitten for company. I was going to get another male but have been told that I have to get a female?? Is this true and if so are females harder to...
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It's in a very provisional stage, but nobody has left for a while which is dull, so I thought I would. I do not want to hear how much everybody loves me, indeed I would prefer to get the "good...
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How do you know if a girl likes you i talk to some girls or sometimes get smiled at but i do not want to say anything that might make them mad
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I just went to the toilet and discovered that I was wearing my knickers inside out! Should I bother swapping them around? Or do you think it won't make any difference which way I wear them?
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Hi - I wondered if there is anything else i can try before i call out sky to fix my TV transmission and they charge me the hefty sum of ?65....had digi box for over 2 years now, no problems until...
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Me and my partner ave been together for 4 years, we ave been trying for a baby but for some reason i cant catch can you give me some advice plz?
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Have just made the hardest decision of my life, or what feels like it. Tonight i have phoned up, and started the process of rehoming my dog. I have luckily found a lovely women who lives a few roads...
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Do you ever answer door in just a towel? is it a bit tarty? been told off for doing so :((( xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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My Dad would have been 85 today, he was born march 4th 1922, he died suddenly just over two years ago and it isn't getting any easier as the months go by, I know many of you on here have suffered a...

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